KFZ STATEMENT about the situation regarding the LALA festival

Dear friends and colleagus,
I am addressing you in front of “Klub finih zanata” from Mošorin (Serbia), the association which has been dealing with the renovation of earthen houses and training and education in the field of earth architecture for past ten years. Last year, our association hosted the first Balkan Earth Conference, as well as the third traveling Regio Earth Festival, which brought together over 50 professors, architects and artists and more than 100 participants from 32 countries. This year, at the initiative of children from the local kindergarten, we planned the LALA festival, which, in addition to workshops for children and adults, also has a large number of events open to the general public. After the situation we all survived in the previous months, we thought that the festival should be held and bring joy and a sense of community to all who participate in it, respecting all the prescribed measures of protection and distance.

Unfortunately, from last week, a Facebook user publishes very offensive untruths and allusions at the expense of the festival we organize, completely executing everything that is written, inventing the arrival of women who are not invited, creating discord and intolerance in the community, and damaging the reputation of our association and our values.

After the initial shock and disbelief and countless consultations at all levels, the competent authorities were informed about the publications of the mentioned page. Appropriate proceedings will be initiated against the person behind the page, as well as all individuals who call for inappropriate activities. Apart from the police and the church, institutions dealing with the protection of human rights and protectors of citizens, all state and public institutions that have supported our association in recent years, the academic community in Serbia, but also all educational and professional institutions with with whom we collaborated abroad will be informed.

In the end, I would like to address you as a woman who is not alone and who is supported by family, colleagues from the associations and the profession, friends, trainers, and above all – brave and dignified women from Mošorin and Titel!

Because of all those women before us who fought to be here where we are, and where we are not free today; for all those women who think they are alone (and they are not) and for myself and my dignity, I say that I do not give up and that the festival will be held!

With love and respect,

Dragana Kojičić

MUD woman, mother, architect & PhD student of stage design, from today – declared feminist and proud president of KFZ.

and why me (and we) are accused, you can find here.

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