retrospective of our works in MO

my (and now: our) dream is to make a Center for earth architecture here in Serbia…MOskice2thanks to the competition of Cosmopolitan magazine, I won an old rammed earth /adobe house in a village of Mošorin in the end of 2010:01 mosorin pocetakmy idea was to rehabilitate and reconstruct this house, in order to adapt it to the modern way of life. But first, we took of the pieces of old annexes (barn and stable):02-zid-balirana-slama-mORA-2012-1024x520and it took much longer then expected, because I wanted to recycle everything we found there:RaNo1_No3and when it was almost done, this wall helped us and fell apart during a storm… 2011_05_15_skoro_gotova-1024x941our first helpers were Nathalie et Vincent, an architect and an engineer from France, biking on their way to China in 2011 – they helped us a lot with a destruction of annexes, making a wall around the pipe…04 our french cyclistsand they started this nice path, that was later done by other friends (and that is today mainly covered with grass ;)2011_05_15_puteljak-1024x716when they left, colleagues of mine from France (and Thiago from Brasil) came in summer 2011 to help me do the diagnostics of the house: Mathilde Beguin, Mathilde Chamodot, Anais Geugen, Gregoire Paccoud and Thiago Lopes Ferreira:08-montaza_skelewe took away the plasters on the bottom of the walls, so they can dry (if they are wet):12-skidanje_blatnih_malterathen we lost part of the old rammed earth wall:25-zasto_nam_je_pao_ZidMathilde made some nice sketches:21-MATILDA_skicewe took of bricks form main gable… and then they left:druzina02and several weeks after, wall that fell down was up again:najnovije_vesti-1024x757during the summer school of earth architecture in 2011 we did the most important thing – we re-tiled the roof:41MORAkrovIstokthis work also started when French friends were there – we took down all the bricks from the gable:ode_zabatand we replaced them with reed panels (one day we would make a green house here – it’s southern side of the house!):17MORA_i_zamena_kible_zabatomand it’s finally done:21MORAzabatwe just need some sun :)10-MoRADna-akcija-Atila-i-Sunce-1024x490during the same summer school in 2011 we made an outside oven:outside ovenand all the beams we took from the annexes got a new purpose – Nathalie & Vincent cut them and fixed them together:poljsko_kupatilothen during the summer school we made a skeleton out of it:44MORAoruk_cucavacin 2012 we made some walls out of recycled materials:toilet 2and finally you could have some peace inside:105_MO_tus_toalet-1024x509in 2013 we put toilet and shower and we can use it now! (although it’s not totally finished yet!)toielt unutrathe biggest work in 2012 was led by Gregoire Paccoud and we replaced an old rammed earth wall by straw bales:mORA-2012-_-modul-1_-video-1024x641north side of the house before and after:prva_rekonstrukcija_kuce_od_zemlje_slamom_Vojvodina-1024x517with several layers of clay plasters:straw bale wall and earth plasters2014 we started with interior works: we want to take away all the plasters and to demolish some walls… fresh works 2014here come the ovens in the end of June:18 olepljivanje peci 31 budzenje i brusenje peckewe started a new barn, but it will probably wait for the next year to be finished…09 rezultat u subotuin 2015, we put pipes, we made floors, gables,  and many other small works…Mosorin 2015in 2016, we restored doors and windows, put tiles on two floors, restored a barn, made a thatched roof, made an open kitchen and restored the lower part of south elevationmosorin-2016-rekapitulacija-radovain 2017, we were almost done with floors, we started building our kitchen, we finished the fence and we did a lot of plastering :)in order to have something like this one day :)dreamsee you around, during our workshops or some other weekends!

17 thoughts on “retrospective of our works in MO

  1. Zainteresovan sam za vase radionice na temu izgradnje zemljanih kuca, ali nisam uspeo da pronadjem neki “zivi” kontakt.
    Javite mi se e-mail-om, ako je to jos uvek aktuelno.

    Caslav Mancic

  2. Vrlo sam zainteresovana i za radionice i uopšte za mogućnost da na ovakav način rešim svoje stambeno pitanje… molim vas za kontakt i informacije… unapred zahvalna

    • draga Julija, hvala na interesovanju i izvinite na ovako kasnom odgovoru – radionice kreću od maja, obaveštenje sledi uskoro. pratite ovaj blog (možete se sami prijaviti da Vam stižu obaveštenja, a mogu Vas dodati na mejling listu) ili FB grupu “centar za zemljanu arhitekturu Earth&Crafts” / FB stranicu “Earth&Crafts”. do skorijeg viđenja, Dragana.

  3. Draga Dragana,
    odavno Vas pratim i jako sam zainteresovana za vas rad. Ja zivim u kuci koja je izgradjena davne 1897 godine i kombinacija je zemlje valjka i cigle. Ziveti u ovakvoj kuci je neopisivo. Pored kuce imam jednu garaze sa malim tavanom koja je gradjena od slame blata i naravno kminovana sa ciglom.Pre par godina srusilo se neko staro drvo pozadi ove kucice i ostetilo mi zid sada imam jednu ogromnu rupu, htela biih da od ove kucice -garaze napravim jedan mali stancic. Moje pitanje je kako da stupim sa Vama u kontakt za izradu idejnog plana i mogucnosti izvedbe. PS na zalost trenutno fizicki nisam u mogucnosti licno da prisustvujem Vasim radionicama i tako steknem znanja za izradu.
    Hvala, s postovanjem Tatjana Babin

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